Starfish Bali

News & Update


Starfish Bali has evolved from its humble beginnings in 2011 as a supplier and operator of wastewater recycling equipment. Our industry experience combined with lessons learnt through research and development, empowers us with capabilities to deliver fast, fully supportive service with flexible, total water solutions.


Why does my water smell like rotten eggs?

If your water smells like rotten eggs, the odor is usually caused by the levels of sulfur bacteria and hydrogen sulfide gas that can be found in a building’s water supply. If you only experience the smell when using your hot tap, it may be a chemical reaction occurring inside your hot water heater, and not a problem with your water supply.

Did you know? Bacteria in well water

Did you know?

Coliform Bacteria could contaminated your well water supply from septic leak. Some area closed to rice paddy field, river and lake have this problem as well.

Get your water tested now!!! Clean Water Clear Future.


Did you know?

We can use organic level as indicator how pollution contaminate your well water
High level organic often found in area close to rice paddy field, river etc.

What is pH?

You may have heard the word “pH” used to describe drinking water quality, but do you know what it means?
pH is a measurement of electrically charged particles in a substance. It indicates how acidic or alkaline (basic) that substance is. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14.

Softener Filter Media

In this application, ion-exchange resins are used to replace the magnesium and calcium ions found in hard water with sodium ions. 

Why Is Chlorinated Harmful ?

hlorine has long been used to disinfect our drinking water because it controls the growth of such unwelcome bacteria as Ecoli and Giardia. Chlorine can enter the body through skin absorption or through the eyes, nose, and ears.

Carbon Filter Media

What is Carbon Filter?
Activated carbon is usually derived from charcoal. In water purification applications used granular activated carbon (GAC). Granular activated carbon has a relatively larger particle size compared to powdered activated carbon. 

UV Light Sterillizer

The use of ultraviolet light (UV) for germicidal irradiation is not a new idea.
How Does UV Work?


Ultraviolet light exists within the spectrum of light between 10 and 400 nm. 

Drinking Water Refilling Station

For more than 3 years we’ve been helping clients save money, reduce their environmental impact and create powerful branding opportunities by using our Starfish Bottling System and branded bottles in place of bought-in bottled water.

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